Coaching Clinics (Hamilton Minor Hockey Council)


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Thank you for supporting our players by stepping up and taking on a Coach or Trainer’s role.

All Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers and Managers within the jurisdiction of the ALLIANCE are required to be certified in Speak Out or Respect in Sports. Speak Out was a classroom course that was replaced a few years ago by Respect in Sports. If you are Speak Out certified, you do not have to take Respect in Sports. Your coach/trainer card will have an “H” in the number, proving you attended the Speak Out course. Respect in Sports is an online 3 hour course broken into 6, 30 minute segments. Visit the ALLIANCE Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Activity Leader website to complete the course.

Clinic Descriptions

Coach I Intro to Coach

This course is designed for, and required by, all coaches and bench staff involved with Initiation Programs and Novice aged players. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of these specialized programs. Note that coaches with higher levels of certification MUST take the Intro to Coach certification to work at the Initiation and Novice level.

Coach II Community Coach

This course is designed for House league coaches and other bench staff involved on the ice with Atom through Juvenile players. House League Head coaches must be Coach Stream certified. The balance of bench staff must have a minimum of Respect in Sport but it is advised that all coaching staff members are Coach II Community Coach certified.

The Coach I and Coach II courses are broken into two segments. You MUST COMPLETE a 4 hour online course prior to applying for the in-class/on-ice session. The online course is found on the Hockey Canada website. Once you have completed the online course, apply for the applicable classroom/on-ice session through your own Association’s TDC representative. This one day course includes 4 hours of classroom instruction followed by a 1 hour ice session.

Development Stream (DS)

This training is designed for Select and higher level coaches. Learn to motivate and lead your athletes as they movie into a competitive environment. Build age-appropriate and competition specific practice plans while you give your players a solid understanding of the skills and strategies they need to compete. You will also learn to analyze your player's abilities to ensure that they're equipped, both mentally and physically, for a more intense level of play. This is a 16-hour in-class clinic, hosted over 2 days with an on-ice session. After completing this clinic you will be considered 'Trained'. To become Development 1 'certified' you need to complete the Clinic Post-Task assignment, Making Ethical Decision (MED) Comp Intro online evaluation.

Trainer Course

This eight hour online course is required for the Trainer of your team. Associations require each team to have a certified Trainer due to insurance obligations. This is not a first aid course but instructs you in developing an Emergency Action Plan, Injury Management, removing players from play and coordinating their return, and includes as an in-depth discussion on recognizing and dealing with concussion injuries. The online course is found on the Hockey Development Centre for Ontario website. The Trainer’s course must be recertified every 3 years and the recertification course is only available online. If you work in the medical field, you must initially take this course to be certified. Once certified, you will not be required to recertify every 3 years provided you request a Level II Trainers certificate.

Gender Identity and Expression

The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new training module for team officials, to support trans-inclusive hockey in Ontario, Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression Training. This is for all team staff members and the directive for this is coming from the Human Rights Commission. There are two modules which will educate team officials on this important topic. Once assigned to a team, team officials will have 30 days to complete both modules. The course will take about two hours to complete. There is a 2-step process to access the online course:

1. If you don't already have one, create an eHockey account

2. Take the course using your eHockey credentials

Please visit the ALLIANCE website for more information on this initiative.

Clinic Registration

If you are a member of an Association that falls under the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council umbrella you must sign up through your own Association’s TDC Rep. Contact your TDC representative as soon as possible - space is limited and the Clinics fill fast!

There is no charge to attend these Clinics. If you register for a clinic and fail to attend your Association will be charged the costs incurred and you will be responsible for reimbursing your Association. 

Hamilton Clinic Application Form

If you are from outside the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council’s area, you may apply to attend any of the Clinics we sponsor. You are required to apply and, if space is available, you will be responsible for the costs to attend. To apply, open the “Out of Town Application” tab under the Clinic banner. Payment is made through PayPal and payment instructions are found on the application form.

Out of Town Clinic Application Form

For questions TDC Coordinator by email.

Note that all Clinics are held at the F. H. Sherman Recreation Centre (formerly Dofasco Sports Park) unless noted otherwise.