Giving back to the community through children's charities.

After retiring from the National Hockey League in 2007, Dave Andreychuk started this Foundation to give back to the communities that are very important to him and his family.
The foundation runs a number of events each year in support of minor hockey in Hamilton. Visit the Dave Andreychuk Foundation website for more information.
The funds donated by the Foundation are designated to assist Recreational Houseleague Players who cannot afford the cost of registration. We would like to thank Dave for his generous donations and hard work over the past years and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.
Nustadia Recreation Inc. / Mohawk 4-Ice Centre Golf Tournament
Nustadia Recreation
This Tournament has been held at King's Forest Golf Course since it started in 2004. Through the hard work of many volunteers, and the generosity of Nustadia, the Low Income Fund has benefited from the proceeds of this highly successful tournament. The funds are used to help pay registration fees for all levels of Hamilton Minor Hockey members.