HMHC AGM, News (Hamilton Minor Hockey Council)


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Apr 23, 2024 | Darcy | 833 views
The Hamilton Minor Hockey Council's AGM will be held on May 30th, 2023, Location Daryl Villeneuve Room, Lawfield Arena 

Dave Andreychuk Foundation
The Dave Andreychuk Foundation has three GOALS: 1. Assist children in need 2. Support causes for children and families enduring chronic and/or life threatening illness 3. Encourage the investment of youth and amateur sports
Nustadia Recreation Inc.
Nustadia Recreation Inc. / Mohawk 4-Ice Centre Golf Tournament This Tournament has been held at King's Forest Golf Course since it started in 2004. Through the hard work of many volunteers, and the generosity of Nustadia, the Low Income Fund has benefited from the proceeds of this highly successful tournament. The funds are used to help pay registration fees for all levels of Hamilton Minor Hockey members.